Award Winning Fine Art Large Format Landscape Photographer for over the past decade, Mylo has assisted thousands of photographers of all levels on photographing his homeland of the Navajo Reservation and the Southwest. Born a couple miles north of the Navajo Nation capitol in Ft. Defiance, AZ and raised on the Reservation South of a photographer’s mecca, Page Arizona, Mylo enjoys helping others capture the light.
A primary user of 4×5 and 8×10 field cameras, Mylo has guided slot canyon excursions and exotic landscape workshops that number into the thousands. Mylo has worked with many camera manufactures and lens, television companies from National Geographic to Weekend Explorer, publications from Outdoor Photographer Magazine to Arizona Highways. He has been sought out by Phase One and other workshop groups for his expertise about the area, land and light. He has also co-led workshops with Art Wolfe, Jack Graham and other very well known landscape and nature photographers.
He is highly recommended by the Navajo Nation as a steward of the land and caters to personalize all experiences of high caliber companies, networks and ultimately, the photographer’s experience.
Mylo has traveled across the world from Hong Kong to Berlin, Alaska and into the Yucatan to share with other Nations and its residents regarding the beauty of the Southwest and its abundant Native American heritage and culture through his photography. Having had a long history in working with Utah & Arizona Office of Tourism, Mylo has been highly recommended to guide projects and assignments for national coverage or collections to be presented to Kings, Queens, Royal Majesties and Museum’s.
In each of the previous years, he has consistently added awards to his landscape work and strictly specializes in film capture. His work has been featured in various magazines and his handmade Silver Gelatin, Platinum Palladium and color prints are collected annually in Santa Fe, Phoenix and Los Angeles at the world’s most prestigious and renowned Native American Art expositions.
Mylo is fluent in Navajo, English and French. His desire and passion to photograph Navajoland & Native America on film has come from a rich history passed down from generation to generation. He credits his grandparents who recently passed at the ages of 92 and 104, of the importance to marvel and care for Mother Nature. Having learned English at the age of 12, he understands the power of language and the influence it has to enrich the lives of others. The name ‘Mylo’ was given to him from a dear friend who only speaks in American Sign Language.
Another language he speaks is photography. Mylo finds it beyond a passion to share his knowledge of light, land and critical factors in capturing a premium photograph on a digital sensor or on film. He is very familiar with his D700, D800 and D4 and many of today’s digital cameras and lens. Another camera he enjoys is his medium format Fuji G617 panoramic camera that uses 120 or 220 film.
He feels it is a responsibility and thoroughly enjoys fulfilling the call. He has spent countless hours working with youth from elementary to University schools, delivering Key Note presentations at various companies and photography environments. He continually spends time in various communities to share his knowledge and inspire others through the medium of photography.
His approach during the workshop is spending a lot of one on one time in the field with each participant, class room work in regards to processing images to satisfy the vision and establishing long relationships. He provides continual courses in respect to printing and presentation from paper selection, matting options to moulding choices. Mylo frames the majority of his work that measure at least 24″ on the shortest length.
Some of his clients and collectors of his fine art have been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, the Today Show, the Tyra Banks show and magazines including Lucky, the New York Times, W Magazine, GQ, O Magazine, Shape, Prevention, Better Homes & Gardens, Allure, Redbook, Marie Claire, People, Health, Entrepreneur, Sports Illustrated, Self, InStyle, Stylewatch and many more. Some clients range from Best-Selling authors, Southwest enthusiasts, luxurious homes, casino’s and resorts.
He and his work have been featured in numerous magazines that range from Native Peoples Magazine, Ultra Running Magazine, Arizona Highways and many more.
His greatest hope is that those who visit and photograph Navajoland, will gain a greater insight of the lifestyle and through image creation, have a greater understanding as to why Navajo people are so attached to the landscape.
You can see his gallery here.
To follow this constant family travels, view here.